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Try Yoga for Fibroids Relief!

Posted on October 07, 2024

Did you know that yoga for fibroids can help ease your pain? When you have uterine fibroids, menstrual cramps can be intense, and your period could be longer with heavy bleeding. your cycle is often longer and heavier when you have fibroids. Luckily, by practicing yoga, you could find natural relief for your discomfort. This post explores why yoga is so beneficial, and highlights specific poses designed to relieve fibroid pain during your period and all month long.

seated yoga pose

Yoga for Fibroids: How it Works

When you have fibroids pain, yoga can help you find relief by relaxing your abdomen and pelvis, lessening the impact of pelvic pain or menstrual cramps. Many poses increase blood flow to your pelvis, offering further relief. Plus, yoga promotes general relaxation. And that can help you cope better, even if you are experiencing discomfort.

Choosing the Right Moves

When turning to yoga for fibroids relief, try for a gentle practice, since you don't need to experience an intense workout to find relief. In fact, if you have pelvic pain, power yoga could intensify your discomfort. And don't think you need to make a major time commitment: a Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine study proved that spending just one hour practicing yoga each week helped relieve women's period pain and emotional distress.

Within the world of gentle yoga for fibroids, you may wish to consider trying:

• Hatha yoga, a gentle style focused on alignment and physical postures

• Restorative yoga, in which you hold gentle poses for a long period of time, supported by blankets or other props.

• Yin yoga, a slow style that helps loosen up your connective tissues

• Pelvic floor yoga, designed to strengthen and relax your pelvic floor muscles, helping relieve general pain and possible helping with pain during sex.

And, within these modes of yoga, certain poses will be extremely beneficial.

Poses to Relieve Fibroid Pain

Child’s Pose
A well-known resting pose, this provides a gentle stretch to the low back, helping relieve back pain while alleviating fatigue.

Forward Fold
This position helps relieve pelvic and back pain by stretching out your hips and lengthening your spine.

This position is one of the best yoga for fibroids moves because it relieves lower back and abdominal tension, helping with pelvic pain and menstrual cramps.

Beyond Yoga for Fibroids: Effect Relief in Dallas

While gentle stretches and movement can offer temporary symptom relief, you'll need to treat uterine fibroids in order to keep symptoms from returning each month. Looking for a non-surgical treatment option? Reach out to our Dallas fibroid specialists to request a consultation.
Our interventional radiologists can review your candidacy for minimally invasive UFE treatment.

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